Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Beach Rain

Pastel, 6x9 on UArt

Number 12 of '21 in 21' Cloud Challenge

As the summer rain stops and the thunder dies away to the southeast, the beach lies deserted, glistening and renewed.  With the tide out, the reflections of the passing clouds stretch smooth, clear, and undisturbed by wave or footprint.
To purchase this painting, visit my web page: Beach Rain

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Late Afternoon

Pastel, 6x9 on UArt

Number 11 of '21 in 21' Karen Margulis' challenge

In the late afternoon after the showers have passed over the salt marsh, the wet foliage of the grass and trees comes alive with a special radiance as the broken sunlight sweeps over in drifting patches of light and shadow.

To purchase this painting, visit my web site by clicking here: Late Afternoon.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Coming In

Pastel, 6x9 on UArt

Number 10 of '21 in 21' Karen Margulis' challenge

This is my daily cloudscape - a modified view of the St. Augustine Pass with a boat coming in under sail.  When the clouds start blowing in on the rising sea breeze and the high tide starts coming in, it is time to bring the boat back through the pass.  When the tide and the wind are favorable, there's no problem coming in under sail.
To purchase this painting, click here.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Private Sunset

Pastel, 6x9 on UArt

Number 09 of '21 in 21' Karen Margulis' challenge

As the day comes to a close, the clouds seem to fall to tatters of wisps and puffs.  The crowds of the day have gone leaving the peace and beauty of this late hour to the few who remain for a private showing of the glories of the evening.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Breaking Day

Pastel, 6x9 on UArt

Number 08 of '21 in 21' Karen Margulis challenge

For this study, I combined elements of several photos with a little imagination and license.  I wanted to capture the fleeting moment when the sun breaks through the morning clouds and paints one golden streak across the beach.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Last Light

Pastel, 6x9 on UArt

Number 07 of '21 in 21' Karen Margulis challenge

The wind has died to a soft breeze, and the sun has retreated beyond the horizon. The last few touches of light brush the tops of the clouds, and the broad, wet sand reflects the splashes of light and color.  The best show of the day happens after everyone has gone.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Marching In

Pastel, 9x6 on UArt

Painting 06 for Karen Margulis' Challenge

The afternoon showers come quickly over the marsh.  The clouds pile up in lines and come marching in bringing relief from the heat with welcome rain.

Monday, June 13, 2016


Pastel, 6x9 on UArt

Painting 05 for Karen Margulis' Challenge

This started as a cloud sketch, but I couldn't leave it there.  I was inspired by the colors and shadows across the salt marsh in the late afternoon.  The sunset colors are just beginning to show and the whole scene explodes with joy.

Sunday, June 12, 2016


Pastel, 5x7 on UArt

Painting 04 for Karen Margulis' Challenge

Before the big thunderstorms of summer, small brief showers tumble across the salt marsh as they gather and build.  The broken clouds and wispy rain brings a relief from the mid-day heat.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Dawn Beach Walk

Pastel - 12x18 on UArt

Before the sun peeks above the horizon, it paints the sky with glorious, amazing colors.  The reflected light turns the beach to copper, while the wet sand mirrors the pink and gold of the clouds.  This is the best time to come out the walk in the flat hard sand, but only a few share these joys.

Thursday, June 9, 2016


Pastel - 9x6 on UArt

Painting 03 for Karen Margulis' Challenge

This painting was inspired by the breaking clouds after a storm.  The surf was up and the reflections of the early morning light were broken and scattered.  The sun had risen above the break, but the sky was still painted with golden light. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Pastel - 9x6 on UArt

Painting 02 for Karen Margulis' Challenge

As the day falls to late afternoon, clouds rise over the marsh and promise rain to come.  This cloudscape is a view of the salt marsh late in the day with the low sun back lighting the rising clouds.  The cloud shows the light from within and picks up colors from below. 
This will be a study for a future work on a larger scale.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Tide Water Evening

Pastel, 12x9 on UArt

This view of the clouds over the tide water was begun as an exercise in Karen Margulis' workshop.  I was only able to do the clouds in the time we had.  I added the landscape and water in my studio.
With this view of the marsh, I wanted to capture the exuberance of the evening sky with the expectation of coming rain.

Colin's Coming

Pastel on UArt, 5x7

Karen Margulis 21 in 21 Challenge, 01

This is the first 5x7 daily cloud painting.  With Colin passing, it was too good to miss.  This painting was done from a sketch I did from my patio as the clouds were coming in for TS Colin. 

Surf in Dawn Colors

 Surf in Dawn Colors, 6x6 Pastel I am always intrigued by the silver and lavender of the early morning surf on the beach.  A few gulls have ...