Wednesday, October 26, 2011

"Marsh in the Autumn Rain"

Pastel on gatorboard - 14x11


This is a view of the marsh and the Intercoastal Waterway from the access road that goes under the Beach Blvd bridge. I've painted this before. The bridge provides a little shelter when it rains. The gray/purple sky bathes the marsh grass a special light that paints everything in dark, warm gold and brown.

Monday, October 24, 2011

"Tide Veiw Park at Low Tide"

Pastel on gatorboard; 14x11

This painting was started on location - en plein air - but the rain chased me in before I could finish.  I finally had time to get back to this and finish it this morning.  The rain was coming in from the northeast, and the tide was completely out which created this drama on the marsh.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

"So Many Ways to Go"

Pastel on gatorboard, 14x11


I did this painting on request.  I found this oak tree in the woods near our house.  The old hunting trails go in everywhere direction from here, and the sunlight gets through the trees making the pine straw and fallen leaves sparkle with color.  There are deer tracks everywhere!

Note - October 24, 2011.  The person for whom this was painted, selected another painting instead, so I did some revisions this afternoon.  I tried to punch up the value separations some - I like it better.

Monday, October 17, 2011

"Walking the Tide Line"

Pastel on gatorboard, 7x5


This is a small study for a larger work.  I wanted to catch one of the sandpipers as they scurry along the tide line.

Friday, October 14, 2011

"Taking Wing"

Pastel on gatorboard, 12x9

Done on commission

People seem to like my sea gulls, and I painted this by request.  The drama of the rolling surf in contrast to the easy, almost careless flight of the gulls is a never ending source of inspiration for me.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

"Standing Tall" and "Come Fly with Me"

"Standing Tall"
Pastel on gatorboard - 8x10

This small painting was done from sketches and segments of a larger work - "October Colors" - done for the Color the Coast paint-out.  This assembly of palm trees in the distance a cross the marsh first caught my eye because some of the palms were much taller than the surrounding oaks and willows.  The morning sum peeked in and out of the clouds, and I wanted to catch the sunlight at that moment.

"Come Fly with Me"
Pastel on gator board - 12x9

It rained most of the day today, but I wanted to finish one more piece for the Color the Coast paint-out.  I had done an earlier work of the waves and sea gulls from the boardwalk at Jax pier.  Using my notes, drawings, and reference photos, I did this painting of three sea gulls taking flight across the surf.

Friday, October 7, 2011

"October Colors"

Pastel on gatorboard, 14x11

Available, click here

Painting will be part of Color the Coast - Ponte Vedra Cultural Center

The paint-out goal for today was Mickler's Landing Beach Park.  The center of the 40 acre property is a fresh water marsh.  The view of the palm trees on the other side across the marsh grass and open water caught my attention.  There were passing showers and a strong north-east wind, but I managed to put down the basics before the rain chased me in.  Pastel doesn't do well when it gets wet.

The bright sun against the approaching storm created the feel of color and drama.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

"Break in the Storm"

Pastel on gatorboard, 12x9


I painted this scene  from beneath the Atlantic Blvd. Bridge at the ICW.  The clouds were building, and rain was coming, so I set up my easel under the bridge hoping to escape the worst of the weather and still get a painting.  Fortunately, the clouds broke and sun bathed the marsh just south of the bridge.  The sunlight held for nearly an hour, and I was able to get the basics down before it was gone.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

"Who Called This Meeting?"

Pastel on gatorboard, 14x11


It was windy from the north-east, and painting at the beach was a bit of a challenge.  I completed the waves and the sand, but when I tried to add the birds, I kept getting blown about smudging the details.  After about three redo's on the birds, I decided to take it home and finish it inside.  This is the result.

My wife, Patty, suggested the title.  I think it's delightful.  It's as if these birds were just standing in the edge of the surf without any purpose or any activity - so like some of the meetings I had to attend.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

"Clear, Bright, and Breezy"

Pastel on Gatorboard, 14x11


This painting was done as part of the "Color the Coast" paint out.  It was painted at Dutton Island Preserve.  The tide was out and the air was amazingly clear and bright.  It was an ideal October morning.  By the time I finished, the wind had picked up considerably, and the tide had come in which changed the waterline and destroyed all the reflections.

Surf in Dawn Colors

 Surf in Dawn Colors, 6x6 Pastel I am always intrigued by the silver and lavender of the early morning surf on the beach.  A few gulls have ...