Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tidewater Park - beginnings...

Nothing got finished today.  I started at Tideview Park in pastels from the covered shelter - a little rain? no problem. But when the clouds came, it got too dark to see my subject, so I packed up and came home.

This is the view that I started working on.  It is looking north from the covered shelter.  This view is a couple of hundred yards away across the salt marsh.

These are the clouds that built up to the south.

This is why I had to give up.  The shadows took away all distinction.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"Dawn Promise"

Pastel on archival board; 12x9


A few days ago I had to drive to the beach early in the morning.  The sun was just coming up, the colors in the sky reflected in the water, the ground fog held to the edges of the salt marsh, and the balance and peace of the scene was spectacular.  I had no time for sketching, but I stopped on the shoulder of the expressway to take a few reference photos.  I wanted to capture the air of stillness, expectancy, and the brilliant colors that promised great things for the day.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

"Path along the Marsh"

Pastel on sanded archival board, 10x8


I have done other paintings of this scene, and I have a number of reference photos, so I revisited it.  It was too hot to paint outside in the afternoon, so I did this painting in anticipation of cooler weather and autumn colors in the marsh.  This painting was done yesterday afternoon/last night and completed this morning in the better light.

Monday, September 12, 2011

"Doodlebug, Mayport"

Pastel on sanded Gatorfoam, 14x11


This is view of one of the shrimp boats at Mayport.  This particular view was taken from the ferry while crossing the St. Johns River.  I have taken pictures of these boats several times over the years, but this one, taken some years ago, I found particularly appealing.  The Doodlebug looks as if it has been recently painted, and the yellow band of the wheel house really sets it off.

This is a "quick" sketch done mostly with Rembrandt and NuPastels of self-sanded gatorfoam.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

"Heading Out"

Pastel on sanded Arches watercolor paper - 14x10
I retouched, updated, and signed this painting today.
This is a view from the Little Jetties, Helen Floyd Park, looking across the San Pablo River / Intercoastal Waterway. This is where the ICW meets the St. Johns River. The channel has cut into the bank on the far side making a dramatic backdrop for the boats as the make their way into the open water. The sea breeze has caught the sail of the nearest boat as he heads out for the day.

This view impressed me with it's dramatic view of the eroded bank, the blue of the water, and the almost overpowering brightness of the sunlight. By mid morning, the sun has burned away the haze, the sea breeze has come up, and a few puffy clouds dot the sky.

"Gap in the Dunes"

Pastel on sanded Gatorfoam - 14x11


This view of the dunes at Talbot Island State Park lead away from the beach into the "wilderness."  The gap between these two dunes gives the hint of a path that I've never had the opportunity to follow.  At the end of the day, the sea breeze has died, the light is low and beginning to fade, and an unusual calm settles over the dunes.

This is a painting on self-sanded gator foam over a burnt sienna undercoat.  I used dark NewPastels for the deeper values and set them in place with denatured alcohol.  I've found that plan works best for me and preserves the accents and drama I am looking for.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

"After the Storm"

Two painting from 2009 that I need to put up on my blog.


“After the Storm, a Study in Waves”

Pastel on sanded Arches watercolor paper, 9 ¼ x 13 ¾

Completed, 8/11/2009

To purchase, contact me

In May of 2009, Jacksonville Beach was hit with an unusually intense storm.  After the storm had passes, I made a few sketches and took several reference photographs of the waves.  I wanted to do a large work on a full sheet of Arches paper, but I had not done anything of this nature and size before.  As preparation, I did this preliminary study to become familiar with sanded watercolor paper and the various shades of gray, blue, green, lavender, and yellow that would bring life to the painting.
I was so pleased with the result that I believe it should stand on its own merits.

"After the Storm, Jacksonville Beach"
Pastel on sanded Arches watercolor paper

Size - 29 x 21 1/2

Completed 9-8-2009

To purchase, contact me
When I had done a preliminary pastel paining, "After the Storm - a Study in Waves" which pleased me very much, I rendered this work on a full sheet of Arches paper.
This scene intrigues me because of the complex directions and patterns of the waves, the subtlety of the veiled sunlight on the stormy water, and the churned sand near the beach

Surf in Dawn Colors

 Surf in Dawn Colors, 6x6 Pastel I am always intrigued by the silver and lavender of the early morning surf on the beach.  A few gulls have ...