Monday, May 20, 2019

First Rays

Pastel, 9x12 on UArt

The idea and inspiration of this piece was the way that early morning sun kisses the tops of the dunes and paints the tallest grass with golden light. The air and the sand are still calm and cool, blue, and quiet, but the sun makes the promise of a bright, hot day ahead.

This painting is a rework of a previous piece, "Path 6."  I liked the first painting, but it had no clear central idea or focus, so I started reworking it.  I raised the horizon because everyone knows where the beach and surf lie.  I reworked the composition and cranked up the values and contrasts in color and temperature.  The more I worked it the less remained of the original painting - in fact the sky is the only element that seems to have survived, and that got a little more color.

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Surf in Dawn Colors

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