Wednesday, January 28, 2015

One Pair, Both Red

Pastel on Wallis, 6x6

I was inspired by these two red pairs.  The natural light from  my studio window added a touch of magic.  I worked with contrasting colors and secondary reflections in the color and foreground.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Fresh Tangerines

Pastel on gray Canson Mi-Tientes

I was delighted with the color and form of these tangerines I cut from the neighbor's tree just before the prediction of frost.  The background is a playful contrast to the orange of the tangerines.  I did this work to take another look at Canson Mi-Tientes paper using semi-hard pastels.  I cheated with a few touches of Terry Ludwig and Unison in the broad areas of the background, but the fruit and leaves are completely semi-hard pastels.

Photo was updated and name changed from "Before the Frost" on 4/12/15.

Painting is available on Daily Paintworks.

Monday, January 5, 2015


Pastel on Wallis, 13x20

This view of the beach through the half-buried boardwalk bordered by winter-bare sea oats presented an irresistible invitation to come and walk on the wet sand.  I took several photographs of this scene of the beach on a calm, brisk morning in December, and I chose this particular view because all the major lines point to the single breaking wave as the main point of interest.

Splash of Sunlight - Revised

Pastel, 6x6 on UArt paper I found this painting among some old works.  In 2018, this is a small, plein air expression done as part of a  Fir...