Monday, January 27, 2025

Marker Palm

Pastel, 9x6 on UArt

This lonely palm tree standing against the stiff breezes makes a special landmark next to the trail through the dunes.  When I would walk on the beach I always knew the way back by this "marker palm."

Late Showers

Pastel, 6x9 on UArt

This small painting captures the late afternoon on the marsh when the clouds build and the rain starts to fall.  The slanting light of the sun captures the green of the marsh against the lavender of late afternoon shower.


Gentle Wave Study

 Pastel 6x9 on UArt

For this study, I reduced the image to this one wave on the beach as it was breaking close to shore.  This is a study of color (bright green and blue) and simple form of only one wave.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Sunrise Marsh

Pastel, 6x9 on UArt

I made this composition from a composite of other paintings of these palm trees and the marsh.  The sun is just above the horizon, and the mist is beginning to rise.  This time of day and this view of the marsh are infused with expectation for the day ahead.

Stormy Colors

Pastel, 6x9 on UArt

The colors of the marsh come alive after a rain.  The wet makes the gold and bronze colors pop out of the green, and the shadows flow richly with purple.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Imagination 2


Watercolor wash and ink, 6x8

Expressive washes of intense watercolor on wet paper that I permitted to run and blend naturally.  For this painting, my goal was for larger, lighter, and more flowing images.  I found the "accidental" stream in the center was too good to ignore.  When it was dry, I added pen lines to define forms and created suggestions for the areas of color.

Imagination 1

Watercolor wash and ink, 6x8

Expressive washes of intense watercolor on wet paper that I permitted to run and blend naturally.  When it was dry, I added pen lines to define forms and created suggestions for the areas of color.

Splash of Sunlight - Revised

Pastel, 6x6 on UArt paper I found this painting among some old works.  In 2018, this is a small, plein air expression done as part of a  Fir...