Monday, November 13, 2023

Christmas Wreath 01

First Wreath of Christmas

 Watercolor and ink on cotton paper, 4x6

This was my first new work for Christmas.  I started with an ink drawing, added broad washes for the wreath and background, then the watercolor in multiple passes with increasing depth of color.  I finished the painting with a few touches of gouache to deepen the reds and add highlights.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Wind Rising

Wind Rising

Watercolor and Ink on Paper, 4x6

As the autumn storms move in, the dunes fall into darker colors, the wind rises, and the pounding waves drive the birds into the air seeking shelter inland.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Memory in Passing

Memory in Passing

Pastel on Watercolor Paper, 7x5 

Some years ago I passed this scene in my car.  I was so impressed at that time, that I painted it as soon as I could.  Over time, the painting was given away, but I saw it again last month when visiting relatives, and the inspiration flooded back, and I painted it again mostly from memory.  I selected a cool palette to convey the sense of distance and dreamyness of the mountain lake and stream.  I started this as a watercolor, but the intensity and width of the value range led me to turn to pastels.  Since it is on cold pressed paper, the texture of the paper dictated the looseness of the execution.

Friday, November 3, 2023

On-Shore Breeze

On Shore Wind

Ink and Watercolor with Pastel on Cotton WC Paper, 5x7

In the mid afternoon when the on-shore breeze takes over, the sea oats hold their heads and bend with the wind.  A few seagull sail by waiting for the wind to drop and tide to go out.

Pastel saved this small painting - when the watercolor gets out of hand, I call in the cavalry - pastel cavalry, that is.

Surf in Dawn Colors

 Surf in Dawn Colors, 6x6 Pastel I am always intrigued by the silver and lavender of the early morning surf on the beach.  A few gulls have ...