Thursday, August 15, 2013

Summer Sea Oats

Pastel on Wallis, 12x9

The view of the Gulf of Mexico through the dunes at Cape San Blas provides a perfect state to display the aqua of the Gulf against the white sand of the dunes through the ever-changing tangles of sea oats and beach vegetation.  This view holds a special attraction for me because of the fond memories I have of coming here to fish in the surf with my son and father-in-law

As a painting, I find a great challenge to balance the deep shadows of the dune shrubs and grass set against the blazing white of the sand.  Beyond the sand and grass, the turquoise of the Gulf presents its own emphasis and statement of presence.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Thru the Sea Oats Again - Sketch

12 Colors for 12 Minutes (plus one burnt sienna pastel pencil for stems)
Pastel on Richeson, 7.5.5

Sketch from notes, photos, and drawings of the beach at Cape San Blas.  I like this composition and the color sketch in broad terms.  The 12 color limit shows my need for a broader range of blues for the water and sky, more yellows and warm greens for the sea oats, clearer colors for the sand with a broader range of lights blues and lavenders.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Sunrise 1

Sketch - 12 pastels in 12 minutes

This view of the sunrise at Jacksonville Beach has intrigued me for quite some time, so I finally decided to try doing it in pastels.  I started with a much-cropped view and a limited palette in order to simplify the design and colors.

I hope this will develop into a larger, more detailed work while keeping the freshness I see in this sketch.

Surf in Dawn Colors

 Surf in Dawn Colors, 6x6 Pastel I am always intrigued by the silver and lavender of the early morning surf on the beach.  A few gulls have ...