Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Pond Pines

Pastel, 11x14 on drawing paper

I did this study on drawing paper with pastel pencils and NuPastels.  The subject was taken from earlier sketches on photographs of retention ponds near my home.  As I worked on this, the composition and materials began to look more like watercolor, and the image became more informal.  I left white paper to keep that quality. 
I am doing a series of views of these ponds to highlight the beauty and wonder of the small vistas that surround us and that we pass without notice.  What beauty could there be in an ordinary retention pond or roadside canal?

1 comment:

  1. It's beautiful, and I agree with your perceptions about the small Vista around us. We drive right past them without seeing.


Imagination 2

  Watercolor wash and ink, 6x8 Expressive washes of intense watercolor on wet paper that I permitted to run and blend naturally.  For this p...